Kilkenny County Council Climate Action
Climate Action Monthly Newsletter
The Climate Action Office issued the first monthly Kilkenny Going Green Newsletter in January. The newsletter will keep staff, elected reps and the public up to date on the latest climate action news and stories from Kilkenny County Council, along with information on climate supports and grants for communities and businesses. View the first issue here.
If you want to be a part of the Kilkenny Going Green Network, click the link to join our mailing list:
Kilkenny County Council renews commitment to EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Kilkenny County Council has renewed its commitment to the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, a voluntary initiative of local governments in Europe. In doing so the Council has committed, alongside other EU local authorities, to reduce greenhouse gas emission, strengthen resilience to climate change, and address energy poverty.

Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles are part of the Council's "Kilkenny Going Green" drive. Reducing our reliance on fossil fuels in the Council's fleet will help us to meet our emissions targets. Keep an eye out for the new EV's which Kilkenny Civil Defence and the Machinery Yard purchased in 2024.
Lighting the Way
The Council has changed almost 80% of the 12,000 street lights in the county into energy efficient LED lights. Public lighting uses over 30% of all the energy consumed by Kilkenny County Council, and generates 41% of the Council's greenhouse gas emissions. Changing to LED lights is better for the climate, it cuts energy use in half, reduced CO2 emissions and saves public money. See the National Public Lighting Energy Efficiency Project here.
Housing Retrofits
To date, between 2023 and 2024 Kilkenny County Council have retrofitted 76 social houses to improve energy efficiency and home comfort. This is part of the Council's commitment to reducing energy use and carbon emissions, and supporting a just climate transition. The photo below shows the finished result of a typical external insulation retrofit showing attic vents, new windows, and a new front door.
Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029
Kilkenny County Council adopted its inaugural Climate Action Plan in February 2024.
The Plan sets out how the Council will respond to the climate crisis by improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and embedding climate resilience across the organisation. It also addresses how the Council will adopt a leadership role in the county by supporting local communities, businesses and other stakeholders to take climate action.
The Plan’s vision is that Kilkenny County Council will be “A climate resilient organisation that inspires and supports the County’s transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, sustainable and carbon neutral economy by 2050”.
The Plan, which contains 95 actions, was adopted following extensive public and stakeholder consultation, gathering scientific data, and deliberations by the Elected Representatives and Staff of Kilkenny County Council. Click on the image below to view the adopted Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029.
Click on the image above to view the Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 (This will be uploaded on Friday 15th March 2024)
Irish version Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029
Plean Gníomhaíochta ar son na hAeráide Chomhairle Contae Chill Chainnigh 2024 - 2029
Please click on the link here to access the Irish version of the Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029 (Irish Translation)
Environmental Reports
The Climate Action Plan was prepared in accordance with all relevant environmental standards. This included undertaking a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to identify, assess, and mitigate potential likely significant environmental effects associated with the Plan; and an Appropriate Assessment (AA) to identify, assess and mitigate potential significant adverse effects on designated European sites. Copies of these reports are available below.
Chief Executives Report
Kilkenny County Council invited submissions or observations on the Draft Climate Action Plan and Environmental Reports, as required under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021. The Chief Executives Report, below, provides details of the public consultation process, the submissions received and outcomes.
Click here to view the Chief Executive’s Report on Submissions Received to the Draft Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029
Climate Action Video
Click on the new video below highlighting details about the new Kilkenny County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029